Ivan Orlic
adrienn light
Adrienn Light
Ivan Orlic
adrienn light
Adrienn Light

Jasmin Herrera

She was born in 1986 and at 9 she went to live in Spain.

Naturopath, nutritionist, and holistic therapist. Her inner growth led her, one day of June 2014, not to feel hungry and she decided on a natural way to respect herself and to do the experience with her body and her state of inner consciousness.

Months later, she did the 21 days process and now she accompanies with a pure feeling people who want to complete the process in Spain and other countries.

She gives conferences and workshops in which she shares her life experience carrying the message of freedom and love that we all have inside, beyond the mental conditioning inculcated by the society in which we live.

“They made us believe that we couldn’t live without eating in order to make us believe that we are poor mortals, when in reality we are Divine Beings living a human experience.

Breatharian level:

Place of residence: Spain
Spoken languages: Spanish