Pascal Vételé (Dev)
Pascal Vételé (Dev)
Pascal Vételé (Dev)
Pascal Vételé (Dev)

Olga Podorovskaya


Olga Podorovskaya was born in Ukraine in 1970. She experienced here first spontaneous astral journey when she was 14 year old. Then she realized that a person cannot die and decided to explore the possibilities and limits of the human body. When she was 18, she purposely started the long-term fasting for the periods of 40 to 60 days long, she tested her body by cold and by long sessions without sleep, she also practiced long term stops of her breath. By the age of 19 Olga experienced the enlightenment and awareness of the nature of her true “Self”. In 2005 after the long stop in breathing her body spontaneously started to turn in the Light. The enlightenment and the transition of her body to the state of Light became the major subjects of her research. Until 2010 she led a solitary life dedicated to meditation. She was initiated in practice by the Tibetan Dzogchen Masters and the other traditional Teachers. Based on her knowledge In 2010 Olga experienced the full transition to the Breatharianism. In 2011 after reaching the Enlightenment, she developed the easy and available for people technologies of the Enlightenment and the Breatharianism transactions.

Respirian level:  

Place of residence: Russia
Spoken languages: Russian, Ukrainian
